This is the space where I'm going to provide you with important information to improve your performance. Are you ready?
Let's do it!
According to psychiatrist Gustavo Jesus, did you know that anxiety dates back to our earliest days and has been passed down genetically from generation to generation? It was used as a defense mechanism against potentially deadly situations.
Thus, we can say that Anxiety is a natural reaction of our organism when we are faced with situations that for us are signs of danger or fear.
Performance Anxiety
Anxiety is often seen with a negative connotation, because the symptoms that come from it are not very pleasant. However, what you may not know is that anxiety is extremely positive for boosting your performance capabilities. Of course, it's only positive if it's self-regulating, while you can control it, otherwise you'll experience symptoms such as: sweaty hands, difficulty controlling your breathing, gastrointestinal problems, tense muscles, difficulty sleeping, lack of concentration, racing thoughts. All these factors can drastically deteriorate your performance.
The brain
You probably know that our brain is divided into two hemispheres: the left hemisphere and the right hemisphere. What you may not know is how important the hemispheres are to our performance. The left hemisphere, in addition to thinking in numbers and words, is responsible for our worries, is constantly analyzing and criticizing situations, and above all promotes our lack of concentration. On the other hand, the right hemisphere is where we store our imagination, sounds, sensations and the calmer, more focused side of our brain. The big problem is that we spend too much time on the left side of the brain. If you want to know how to switch to the right side of your brain and learn to be totally focused on your goal, come talk to me and you won't regret it.